A36 Steel Plate
Stock Size: 60 by 144 inches
Stock size items are offered at a discounted price per pound over processed material. Consider ordering stock size piece .*
Cut Piece Total $ Stock Price: $
A36 Steel Plate
A36 Steel Plate is offered in thicknesses 1/4" through 6". Steel plate is processed by flame cutting or High Def Plasma cutting. Hi Def Plasma is utilized to sizes 1" and under, over 1" is flame cut. Band saw cutting is available at a higher cost, please call sales at 763-582-1925 or email [email protected] for a band saw cut quote. A36 Steel plate has a 36,000 min yield strength.
Steel Plate
Steel plate A36 is stocked in all pattern sizes up to 96" x 288" and can be processed to special shapes per print.