6061 Aluminum Flat Bar

Product sizing in two dimensions, lxw

6061 Aluminum Flat Bar
Priced from 0.15 to 1032.12USD
Std. cut tolerance -.00"/+.125"
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Due to material handling and processing items may have light scratching. Raw Material is not meant to have a finished cosmetic look
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Stock Size: 144 inches
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6061 Aluminum Flat Bar

is an extruded aluminum product that is very versatile and has a wide range of applications. 6061 Aluminum bar is made from one of the most widely used heat treatable aluminum alloys. It has excellent corrosion resistance, good workability and good machinability.  6061 aluminum flat bar applications include a wide variety of products from medical assemblies, aircraft construction to structural components.  6061 t6511 aluminum bar has a high strength to weight ratio making it ideal for any application where parts need to be light.


Midwest Steel & Aluminum is partnered with the best producers of aluminum in the world, and primarily distributes in extruded 6061t6 and 6061 t6511 Hydro’s ACC-U-LINE products which include ACC-U-Bar™.


6061 Flat Bar

Tensile strength range 20 to 42 KSI. Conforms to AMS QQ-A- 200/8

--Due to material handling and processing items may have light scratching. Raw Material is not meant to have a finished cosmetic look--

6061-T6511 Aluminum flat bar has a tensile strength range of 20-42 KSI, and conforms to AMS-QQ-A-200/8


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