360 Brass Hex Bar

Bar stock with hexagonal sides

360 Brass Hex Bar
Priced from 0.15 to 1004.54592USD
Std. cut tolerance -.00"/+.125"
Freight Estimate is available from the Cart: NEW LOWER RATES!
Due to material handling and processing items may have light scratching. Raw Material is not meant to have a finished cosmetic look
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Stock Size: 144 inches
Stock size items are offered at a discounted price per pound over processed material.
Consider ordering  stock size piece.*

Stock Price: $
Cut Piece Total $

360 Brass Hex Bar

Brass is an excellent choice for applications that require an attractive appearance and corrosion resistance. Brass hex bars are easily drilled, machined and sawed.


Brass Hex Bar

Uses include base plates, decorative work, braces and housewares.

360 Brass hex bar has a tensile strength range of 15-47 KSI, conforming to ASTM B36

360 hex bar is used for highly formable parts, ammunition components, decorative parts, name plates, engraving plates, overlays, legend plates, lamp fixtures, hinges, flashlight shells, connectors, fittings, circuit board relays, electronic components, radiator tanks, brackets, frames, fixtures, ornamental works, and used extensively in musical instruments, and electrical equipment.

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