110 Copper Flat Bar

Product sizing in two dimensions, lxw

110 Copper Flat Bar
Priced from 0.15 to 909.07704USD
Std. cut tolerance -.00"/+.125"
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Due to material handling and processing items may have light scratching. Raw Material is not meant to have a finished cosmetic look
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Stock Size: 144 inches
Stock size items are offered at a discounted price per pound over processed material.
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Stock Price: $
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110 Copper Flat Bar

C110 Copper has a wide range of applications, from plumbing to electrical conductivity used in motors, electromagnets and bus bars. Copper is an excellent choice for hot and cold forming applications as well as applications that require extensive machining.


Copper Flat Bar

Copper bar and flats are stocked in 110 Copper ASTM B 187 mill finish.

110 Copper flat bar has a tensile strength range of 10-32 KSI, and conforms to ASTM B187

110 flat bar is used for electrical components, wave guides, base plates, bus bars, heat exchanger components, blade and ring terminals, and power transmission components.

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